
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Beautiful day huh? Did you know you can go to the zoo and not follow the normal zoo route? How free thinking, huh? Yeah. We really walk on the wild side around here. Nope. That was not trying to be an attempted silly zoo pun.

Ask yourself. "If you had fraternal twin girls, how would you dress them?" (In case you haven't heard from Suzy or I, dressing twin girls is one of the most super fun things either of us has ever done.)

 This is a rare day in outfits that genuinley coordinate, rather than match totally. I'm going to address why I dress them the way I do in a later post.

But just for fun, ask yourself how would you do it. Are you sure?

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