
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baby Mrs.

I try to post the same number of pictures, roughly, of each person. And we've had lots of everyone but Baby Mrs. recently. Mostly because she is on the move.
Unlike her five minutes older sister, she just does NOT like to sit still. What she likes to do is run and twist and pretend to be a monkey. Or a dog. Or a pony. Which is adorable, but makes for less than great photos sometimes. So, after I snapped the photos above, I tried to really go in for the kill, and capture Mrs. at her best. You can see by the pursed lips in two of the pictures that she was making lots of the monkey sound during the time I was trying to get her to look my way. Turns out, pursed lips are adorable.
Baby Mrs, like Rosebud, is in the 25th percentile for height, and the 25th for weight. Who would guess that these girls would be so small. Maybe it's because they're twins that they're so little.

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