
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Here SA and "Da" are on the playground.
Everyone was having such a fun time, mingling with parents and kids. Cupcake was on the rocking dinosaur, and the babies were having a ball running around with their snack cups. SA was digging in the wood chips for "treasures" which translates into hidden sequins that the teachers scatter there so kids can dig for them and make collections, at recess.
Then all of a sudden Cupcake was saying she had a wet diaper, and started to remove her clothing. Jacket... dress.. you know the rest. Its amazing how fast tiny kids can do this when they want to. I carried her to the car a few moments before the diaper would have been thrown to the wind. Not before she made a few near naked victory laps around the asphalt part of the playground, with me in hot persuit. We didn't get a photo of that part. You can see in the picture below that she was feeling mischievous.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Ella had her preschool graduation too and it is so fun to see how proud they are of all of their hard work!
