
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Graduate

At the preschool graduation it was just one adorable thing after another. First a program with the kids all lined up in front, singing songs like "I Am Special, Because Jesus Made Me." My favorite part of songs like that is always watching all the variations of the hand movements that go with the songs. It was so adorable to see the class all lined up, singing, poking each other, smiling at moms and dads, etc. ........but before all that started, just after all the children were arranged in poised readiness to begin, Cupcake (who had arrived to the graduation ceremony dressed as Snow White) could not restrain herself, and ran up from the audience of parents and siblings to give SA a big leech lock hug. And she wouldn't let go. So I had to come up and somehow pry her off. That blessed moment looked like this:

Notice that cupcakes feet are off the floor.

The two teachers had the kids form symmetrical lines to the left and right, and played Pomp and Circumstance while the two lines each received their preschool diplomas. This was the big time. Again Cupcake took off to hug her brother, and I had to retrieve her


You might think we parents must have been absentmindedly looking on, not doing our shepherds duty, but really I was chasing both twins, while Mr. took pictures. Cupcake must really have been watching for her moments, bc I was actually trying to keep her in her seat as well.

(here SA gets his diploma. I could see how satisfied he felt.)

After that we were supposed to head out the the lawn for a big picnic, but this year the lawn was overly soggy from all our June rain. So parents and kids either ate in the classroom, or went out to the asphalt on the playground, where kids could really run wild. Can you guess where we went?

That's right. Playground.

It was so fun to see how excited SA and his class were about graduating, also a little sad, as the class has been together for two years, and are all good little friends. The kids are all going to different elementary schools, and so graduation really does kind of mark an end of a social era for them.

I'm happy for our SA, that he had such a truly wonderful experience in preschool. Its exciting to think that kindergarten comes next. I'm glad that he now associates "school" with positive experiences, and hope that next year will be just as great.

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1 comment:

  1. Okay, the picture of your prying your sweet children apart is absolutely precious. Best picture ever. I'm still giggling about it.
