
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day at M. Beach

ok. I'm not going to lie. This day was super fun. We took the triple and hiked three miles (round trip) to have a picnic on M. Beach. The weather was blustery, but not too cold. We had stopped at a fruit stand right at the turn off and picked up some peaches, cookies, and fruit bars. Cupcake and SA had a ball racing on the trail, and people just stared at us both ways. On the coast, you really only see one child families for some reason. We took turns pushing the stroller and being silly with the kids. ... Anyway, when we got to the beach, we had to cross a small stream of water to get to the part of the beach we usually picnic on, and so we parked the rig and gathered up babies and kids and crossed it carefully, making sure no one who had an aversion to being wet, got wet. Just as we crossed, and as we were standing, choosing our spot, an enormous and frightening wave came and swept over the entire dry part of the beach, including our feet, all the way at the top of the dry part of the beach. The water was freezing cold and moving fast, and lets just say Im happy that our little kids weren't already on the blanket or I'm not sure they might not have been washed away! Must be that south swell that J had read about. Anyway, we turned right around and picniced in the grasses, on the other side of the water we had just crossed. It really was super fun!

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1 comment:

  1. What a fun family outing! Love the pictures of you and the kids...and loved that Jed took lots of them. You're so beautiful Marie!!!
