
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of Preschool.

Today was preschool orientation for our little Cupcake. She felt like so much more of a baby to me on this the first day of the threes program than SA did when he started. I guess with her late birthday she is six months younger, and the difference between a late two, and three and a half is huge. I carried the little dumpling to the school from the car, and placed her on the stairs, sitting, for her picture first day picture. Its below. We went inside and put her name tag on her dress, and then, she was off like a shot. First the play kitchen, then the cash register. Then the bear counters. Each child really is so different. It was so fun to see how independent she is, and feel how excited she was in her new class. I think it helps that she's gonig to the same classroom and teachers that SA had for two years. She's been begging to get "dropped off" at preschool since the beginning of summer. Still, she seems like my soft and silly warm little muffin, and I can't help smiling a certain kind of mommy satisfaction when I realize that she seems still to be straddling the baby and little girl worlds happily and well. Little cupcake took to the morning like a duck to water, just like J and I knew she would. Even if she really is only about 85% potty trained. Hopefully in the next few weeks that number climbs a little (and by a little, I mean 15%).

 We did have a few too many moments like this one... but what can I say. When I saw the underpants had made it back on after the trip to the potty, I breathed a sigh of relief!


  1. I can't believe how old she is. The first time we met you, you were pregnant with her! I love her little outfit!

  2. Glad Cupcake is enjoying preschool; she is just darling. You are right about the difference between 3.5 and 3-- we will be in the same boat and I have been thinking about that lately.

    ps--good luck with that last 15%. Ha.

  3. looks like she loves preschool! so did you start her at 3 or 3.5? I am thinking about preschools for Azaleia next year. I wish that I could find a spanish speaking one...but we'll see!
