
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Things to do for fun when its dark near five: take a bath

Inspired by Melonie's blog: The Semi Chaotic Mom. look for it in my links.

Growing up, I loved winter. It felt cozy and festive. The past two years I have not loved it. Let me clarify. I love the days, we still get out all the time. Its the nights that kill. The ones that start at 4:30. They do not feel cozy. They feel like being trapped in a pinball machine. Four little midges, a few farmiliar rooms to richochet betweet. I have certain ways I try to rotate people and activities and toys. I have my systems and skills. But I wish everyone were pooling their good wintertime activities on some kind of big database so I could steal other people's ideas.

Anyway, when people are wired I sometimes I use bathing as entertainment. And it seems to tire everyone out, an added bonus. Last night it lasted about a half an hour with all four in our little tub, and then people were ready to chill.  Cupcake and Rosebud exited first and went snuggling on the couch. They watched Bedtime For Frances on Netflix. SA and Baby Mrs. remained for at least double that timem, having a rip roaring "tea party" with a line of ducks on the rim of the tub and an enormous volume of water leaving the tub from spalshing. An utter success. I got my camera and a hiliarious game of peek a boo insued. Its was so cute. You can see in these pictures how much the two of them look alike. When they are dry, they are boy and girl versions of the look, both wet to the bone, they both look like boys :).

After the bath, J combs hair. Last night the babies turned on him and brushed his instead. I think they were getting a little revenge on him for other haricombing moments. It seemed like they weren't being their most gentle!

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  1. I can totally relate to that time of day... the countdown until daddy gets home. And baths always seem to do the trick. Your kidletts are adorable!

  2. I just wanted to say that I love the picture from your new years post. Beautiful family!

  3. Love it, It looks like such a party! All winter long baths are my go-to activity with the kids, they have so much fun!
