
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Our school district has given us a string of three day weekends this month. One of those Mondays was a zoo day for us. We used to hit the zoo all the time. When SA was a baby, I went once a week just to get out, take a walk, and bc he loved the animals. When C was a baby I took the Phil and Teds and we had such a fun time. I tried to keep the zoo pace up with the babies, after they were born. I took them when they were six weeks old in the double snap n go, and Carina walked along next to it, holding on. She was so good. I did that a few times, and hit it again last spring two or three times, and then I decided to take a break. Now the babies are the perfect zoo age-nearly two and old enough to say all the animals and all the sounds, and able to play in the play areas. Old enough to come when called, and ballance on all the zoo fences, faced pressed up against the wires. This particular zoo trip wasn't my best work. I waited too long to leave and everyone kind of melted down at the farthest point in the zoo, from the car. But we made it out alive, and it was worth it. SA's three hour kindergarten schedule makes it a little hard to get to the zoo as much as we used to, but I'm going to have to take everyone over a few more times before we move. I guess that Im just like the kids. I just really lvoe the the animals.

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