
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christmas Morning 2012

It was a very merry white Christmas. This year we finally got the idea that it would be better to eat before opening presents. Which we did. The result was no meltdowns at 9:40 because of a skipped breakfast. Logistics are so important when dealing with littles. They can make or break everything. I also made another good decision which was a near no prep breakfast, fruit with cinnamon rolls out of a can. SO delicious. Another nod to Mrs. Claus. This year each person had a clear idea of who Santa was and that good behavior meant presesnt. They followed the location of our elf on a shelf and knew who was coming on Christmas eve. They were thrilled with their new toys. I just loved watching them on Christmas morning. One surprise was that even though SA got the game that he had been wanting for months (see photo below) his favorite toy was a stuffed dog that he now sleeps with every night, and has named "E's", after some part of a silent reading time acronym from school. I think its so precious. He asks for the dog to be wrapped up in his baby blanket, which he got out just for this purpose, and then he snuggles him to sleep. I love the reminder that he is still a little boy. Another adorable-ness was that CC gave each of us a snowglobe from the dollar store. She was so excited to give them. Vi got a baby doll that she is attatched to, and Rosebud loves the unicorn you can see in the pictures. Tonight we watched a movie as a family and those two toys were the ones that they were holding. Vi kept saying "mommy, my baby needs me" and wrapping her up in her blanket a little better. She is in a definite mommy phase. The cuteness almost killed me.

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