
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pixie Saturday

I'm glad it was a theme park Saturday, and not a migraine Saturday, which as I was waking up, I was kind of scared that it might be. That's always when they arrive. About four in the morning.

But luckily, nothing came of the tiny little headache, and while its been nagging the whole day, it was easy to put on the back burner with some exciting plans for the afternoon.

Here we are, starting our day off right. Nothing special. Cereal, fruit. Milk.

 Mrs., trying to tell me, telepathically that she is starting to teethe again.

Rosebud, flirting with daddy 

During the morning nap, I gave a haircut. In college I once heard a bishop at my church say that they hadn't gotten a barber shop haircut since he got married, bc his wife had decided to learn to cut his hair, and bought and mastered a set of clippers. At the time I thought that was pretty romantic.

When we were first married, and moved states, and J was starting his program, he was just so jammed for time. And well... I love short hair on him. After a few weeks of a shaggy husband, I popped onto Amazon, and got a set of these suckers. At first I butchered it every time. On both guys. But now, five years later, I think I just might be starting to get the blending thing. I'm missing the # 6 blade, which always makes for a few exciting moments, right around the crown.

 I'm still not that great at cutting hair, luckily I have forgiving men in the house. He looks happy with the new look, right? (Hold your horses everyone. While that is a bare chest, he is wearing shorts.)
When the babies woke up, and everyone had eated their PB&J, off we skipped into the aftenoon.
Mrs. Looking excited.
This is all I could see of the Bud.
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1 comment:

  1. Very impressed Marie that you cut hair! I really would like to learn but am afraid I will butcher Christo and Lukas. What a great way to save money though!
