
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

..a few things

I love toys.  A lot. I like them as distractions, rewards, things earned. SA earns money in increment sof 20 cents. He does all kinds of odd jobs, and by the end of a week he usually has a few dollars saved up. So we head to Mecca: Target. It is Mecca. Because we have a weekly pilgrimage, and yes, leave feeling refreshed and fed. Sometimes more than just figuratively.

This last week Target wasn't Mecca. We needed to go to Toys R Us. Which for some reason seems very 80's to me. I guess we all pass our prime at some point. And really, inventory is kind of lacking.... but anyway, we needed to head over because the Toys R Us giraffe had sent the babies a birthday gift card (bless their marketers' hearts), which I, of course, had leveraged SA's direction. We got there, and were filtering around through the store, when someone small had a moment of decision. It was someone small.
It was Rosebud, who smelled quality. Quality in the form of Toys R's new FAO Schwartz line complete with plump and plush stuffed animals. And before I could even turn my head, she had chosen. picked. imprinted. in complete. (please, I'm thinking, before I can really get a good look at what she's clutching. Let it be something cute.) It was a grey cat. (above). Which we had to purchase, because after her initial moment, she spent the rest of the trip with her seven teeth clamped down firmly on the cat's nose. Like a bulldog, she wouldn't release, and I, at the moment, wasn't up for the choking method. So "Kitty Cat" came home, and produces lots of wild and intense emotions when we tease her by hiding it. (read, when daddy hides it.) And that little kitty cat nosey must taste really good.

But our real best purchase was something else. Something great. I wanted a new tent. We have one, actually have had many, in succession. First the blue Ikea, then the red (hated that one.) Then the Snow white cottage, (ok, but comes apart, and I messed up the wires). Tents are very important to our small people because they provide personal space. (read, provide mom personal space). My dream home features a kind of refugee village of tents in a bonus room, for toddlers to explore, and be gone in. (meaning, to be absent from the kitchen, while exploring.) I think tents are just fantastic. Everybody needs space. So I picked up the Disney Deluxe Playhouse one, which I didn't know at the time, is enormous (read fabulous). My kids have not come out voluntarily since we got it home two days ago. Maybe just only one time. Today, to go to the zoo. Ill just provide the link. There. Connected.

Its a lot bigger than you think. Nearly five feet tall? We can fit seven kids comfortably, and could probably pack in three more, standing. hmm. Now I'd like to try it. Maybe the Jennys will come over sometime soon... anyway, if you're thinking play hut, I like this one.

And here are a few bonus photos of my other little pudding drop, to balance out the post.

Other toys we like are this, this, this, and this. I also love this.
 Oh, and it goes without saying that for my boy, its anything Legos.

What are your favorite toys?
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1 comment:

  1. We're totally up for a playdate in the tent! Let's pack 'em in!
