
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Well. I was going to go totally private. I hated the idea. Lose all my readership? How sad. Anyone who knows me know I've waffled with this at least three times. I'm sure some of you got a good belly laugh out of ANOTHER post threatening privacy. But with safety issues, I knew the old one was done.

But I love blogging, and I don't really want to go private and cut myself off from my blogging communities. Can you feel the contradictory pulls? But something gave one day when I was posting a super cute picture of my babies when the thought just stuck me like a toothpick to the gum-they're like candy in a window. I've got to go private--and I was going to. But then then someone convinced me to simply start a new blog, instead.

The person who was that knock on the mental door was 2x2, the mom of two sets of twins, all, was it.. under five? (Two by Two, do you blog?) She said she had heard about my blog from another twin mom. Well. I liked that. I like that similar people can anonymously band together to gain. Even if its just to know there's someone out there fighting a similar fight each day, without ever meeting them.

Each high school summertime I attended Interlochen Arts Camp as a drawing and painting major. The block was eight weeks, and always too short for me. I just couldn't get enough of those classes. That faculty (especially that handsome figure drawing teacher). Those high caliber peers. I made strong friendships with arty types like myself. Those summers were such fertile growing ground. So formative in so many ways. And those people left impressions that still sizzle inside me. What can I say.. I named my second baby after the illegitimate first child of my best Interlochen friend. Can you see how tight we were?

When camp was over each year, and I had to head home to a valley of people so dry of what fed me, it felt just awful. So bad that I just wanted to lay my head right on the ground and stare at the mirrored wall in my room. None the less, I drew tremendous strength from my knowledge that in other places, all across the nation and the world, my beloved peers were back in similarly stinking situations, alone. People that I resonated with, who were now also alone. Living parallel feats. What helped was that I knew that each of us, isolated and in our way, would keep creating. It gave me a lot of strength to continue breaking my own barriers and growing, even totally alone.

Sorry for waxing a little nostalgic, but really people, I think its so great to just have a moment of honest clarity here. I think we blog hop to find a kernel of familiarity. To see ourselves in a different light, or at a different angle, through the reflections of others. Whatever I have that keeps 2x2 coming back, I want out there. I do. Not really for her sake, I'm sure she's doing just fine. But as a collective and potential offering that I make to what Oprah likes to call "The Universe." Ya got me? (And, also because, after all, I do love to blog! And ain't that the truth!)

If watching me wade through the vomit, pancake batter, and occasional toilet bowl flood of life brings a mental nod of recognition to some likewise wretch in the world: awesome for me, and awesome for them.

If you really read all that, I really love you.


  1. I think this was your funniest blog post yet!


  2. I really read all that. I battle the same issue. I volley over the decision. I leave out locations and some specifics, but I wonder over it all.
