
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On My Title

It was pretty hard for me to find a photo of all my five indulgences. Here we've got four of them. Have you ever seen Wonder Pets? Celery is the indulgence of the show. Nice try network. Wish my kids had bought hat one! Here they hug it pre cow visit. But in my defence, they do love lots of other veggies. It is kind of hard to chew... after all.

Here we go. In this picture we've got all five. Count em.

These two are indulgences for sure. There is nothing more adorable than watching them run around sans anything on the lawn at night. Rosebud walks like a chicken, with pecking, vertical steps. Mrs. has a broad legged salamander gait, never falling, but with elastic leanings in every direction.
Mrs doesn't always feel like an indulgence when she's got fluid in her ears. Which has been most of the new year. (Can I still call it that?) But just one of her extra perky "hey-oh!" hellos or doe eyed smiles does a lot to remind  a person of her inner sweetie. 
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