
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

more one year ago

This picture isn't as cute without the school insignia on the shirts and hats, but I just couldn't pass up Cupcakes adorable little one year old thighs! I miss that stage. Like my friend M. J, I think age one is one of my favorites--everyone is all smiles and new words, and happy cooperation, wanting to help etc. Age one is kind of the calm before toddler adolescence.

Its amazing for me to look at these pictures and see Cupcake wearing the shoes that one year later, the babies fit now. They really are close in age.

Here are the two pudding pops last year at the every third year M family reunion. You can see Mr is donning the reunion shirt.
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