
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Last week something wonderful happened. We had my dear friend, Stephanie, come to visit us with her darling, charming, baby girl. I haven't gotten to spend actual in person time with her since her wedding a few years ago, and it was wonderful to see her again, and meet her precious daughter.

 Some things never change, and one of them is what it feels like to connect with a like soul. Which is pretty much what we are. We recognised it within a few days of meeting, years ago on the battlefields of our missions, in southern Chile.

Thank you so much, Stephanie, for coming and for illumination our week with your fantastic-ness.
When we said our final goodbyes, our little girls were yelling "baby! Baby! BABY!" grasping their hands futilely in the air after them until Stephanie and the small one were totally out of sight. Everyone had become attached.

While the log of the week would list trecking between mundane daily destinations,  dinner out, and a trip to the outlets, the highlights were definitely cuddling Steph's beautiful and amazingly peaceful infant, and talking about life and times past. I don't know how long it will be until I get to see her again, in person. But I'm sure of one thing: any length of time will be too long :)
We loved every minute Steph! You are amazing!

Posted by PicasaWe had a little pre birthday party for my cupcake with Steph and a few friends. CC's real birthday post is still on its way. I'm totally behind.


  1. How fantastic that you got to visit each other and have so much fun and soul sharing! Her little girl is sooo adorable!!! Your little ones are so adorable too!

  2. how fun to see Stephanie again. I haven't heard anything from her since the mish. Tell her I said hi!!!!!!!
