
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


 One little person in our family has been waiting on an official name change. What a process it has been! After two appearances before a judge in court, lots of time waiting in lines filing papers, nearly 500$ and publishing our name change in a newspaper for four consecutive weeks, its finally official... and it feels great. Take home lesson: get the name right the first time.

Anyway, when J came home from his turn appearing in court to finalize the process (I went the first time), he brought him a box of petit fours to celebrate. They were treats just as sweet and small and adorable as the little one whose name is now officially her own. Congratulations to our little rosebud!

...now on to amending the birth certificate, and also to a new social security card. Add that to my to do list for our last two weeks before moving!
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  1. First off congratulations! Now, I am interested in the story behind this post! We actually came close to changing one of our children's names but grew to love it while in debate whether or not to do it. Anyway, if you get a second I'd love to hear the story. She is darling. All of your children are!

  2. Oh and I love the petit fours. Very cute. And yummy.
