
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Pictures From Our Move

Pastoral scene from UT. On this same day tens of thousands of sheep were being burned alive in the rampant UT fires.

My two big kids and their loving Grandfather 
My fantastic Mom, and glowing (expectant) sister in law Ashley (Paul's)
 Erlyn and Karl
 My adorable new neice F.
 Stephen playing Legos at the new house.
 CC swimming at Grandmother's house
Grandmother also took us to an aquarium in Sandy. SO fun!

Some shots of babies at a park. Dont mind my double chin!
Grandfather and I had so much fun at the zoo with the girls. Baby Mrs. loved it too, but not Rosebud.

 Our new dog, Velvet, a Belgian Sheepdog, who we love, given to us by my mom, who will be travelling to much this fall to keep her. My kids love her. This morning while I was gettting ready I could hear the babies chattering in their room, and all they could talk about was Velvet. I loved it.
 Stephen, on the dirt pile in the vacant lot next door to our house. This pile is hours of fun.

And here are some people who we really love, who among others, helped us TONS getting ready for the move. Tim and Michelle, I need pictures of you guys too. Im sad looking at these!
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