
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Goodye and Hello

We said good bye to favorite places....
Here we are a night Melanie and I went to Berkeley for dinner. We stopped in to visit Jed on Berkeley campus, because pretty much if you wanted to see Jed last semester, you had to meet him at school. It was a really nice night, and we got some nice pictrures. I really love this spot under the campenille. I just can't believe that that chapter has finally finsihed. Believe it or not, under six years is record breaking time for his program. When we started, we had one child, SA, who was four months. Our whole little family arrived amid piles of Jed's research, and between conferences, and late nights in the lab. I have to say, Im so proud of Jed, and our family, and I'm also so relieved to feel the differences in our new chapter. Phew!! We made it out alive!

 P, our wonderful neighbor, and babysitter, who I totally miss!
 And.... we made it! Ill need to write the entire story later on, bc there were some major bumps along the way, for example, our moving truck breaking down in the middle of NV, but because I have limited time at the moment, Ill just commit to that later. For now, here are some photos and captions for you.

Here the kids are on the fourth, our third day in our new home! :)
 The kids at a nearby local wildlife zoo. Below at a historical pioneer home. We are really enjoying all the fun local attractions in souther MN. There is actually lots more than I thought to see and do.

The bison and wolves were my favorites to see. SO BIG. I have no idea how the indians took down these things with bow and arrow.

We had record breaking heat and humidity, but now its settled down into mostly pretty pleasant.

We have also had pigatils, and haircuts. Saturday night we went to the county fair, even though the girls still have signs of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, which has not been very fun for them. The fair was awesome though. And as soon as I have charged my battery pack, I need to post some really cute pics. The littles milked a mechanical cow, saw lots of show goats, held chicks, saw suckling pigs, and watched a driving contest with draft horses. It was small and country and amazing. The ferris wheel is actually more terrifying than I remember. And also more fun and romantic. And I guess its kind of scary holding unrestrained small children. We ate fried cheese curds, which are a local fair staple. I totally want my kids to do 4H. I wonder how down home you really have to be to fit in?

And... just in case you Californians don't belive me when I tell you how cool MN is, guess what.... We dont have sprinklers, bc where we live you don't need to water your lawn to keep it gorgeous and green, unless, that is, youre experiening record breaking highs. Then you can water with a hose, if your six year old wants to. Eat your hearts out! :) Just kidding. We miss you guys!
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