
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Family Halloween Party

J came home early the other day with a big pumpkin, and hot chocolate. He didn't know that CC and I had picked up a pumpin pie for a little pre birthday party for her. (She's been asking for pumpkin pie since last Thanksgiving.)  It turned into a super fun family party, with LOTS of glitter all over the place. I highly reccomend doing the glitter and glue thing with pumpkins, for little kids. I also highly reccomend protecting your wood table with plastic.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! This looks so fun. I am definitely going to glitter our pumpkins with the kids, what a good idea!
    Beautiful children, beautiful glimpses into your life!
