
My five spoons full of sugar: four charming moppets, one charming sweetheart.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bouncing Toads

 Toward the end of the summer evenings were SO much fun, due to the many little toads one could find coming out in the cooler air. Baby V would say "Mami, I HATE bouncing toads!" Just as she would crouch time to get a better look at the strangely bumpy little thing it would pop into the air (sometimes near her lowered face) to relocate. I think it was startling to her. But other people LOVED the toads. Infact, all other people, and also Velvet, love toads.
One night I saw Cease running all over the place with this little one. (notice its forced open mouth in the first photo). She was having so much fun. It would even sit on her head while she ran up and down the sidewalk. Thats when I beceame especially interested in the remarkaly docile personality of this particular toad. Thats when I realized it was dead. Poor thing. Im sure she killed it.
But we do love the toads.

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